Friday, August 22, 2008

Clearasil Acne Control

The clearasil acne control treatment used to be a staple of my medicine cabinet as a teenager. It was actually the first medicine I ever worked with in clearing up my pimples.

For awhile, clearasil acne control did the trick. My zits would dry up and my complexion would clear in 4 or 5 days. Unfortunately, being a teenager and going through all kinds of hormonal changes, my acne would resurface just a couple of weeks after getting over my last breakout.

I was pretty grateful though for my one or even two weeks of clear skin in between.
Looking back, I guess the real problem was that clearasil acne control is topical and really just controls acne at the surface of the problem.

Inside, my hormones were still fluctuationg and bringing about the production of more skin oil (Sebum). It resulted in new batches of acne regularly and there was only so much that my clearasil acne control medicine could do.

If you're in the same dilemma and clearasil acne control is falling short of fixing your problem, you may want to look towards more natural acne treatments.

I've found that my daily natural regimen for keeping clear skin works way better than my clearasil acne control ever did.

Granted I'm much older now, but this experience has taught me that natural acne treatments really are a long term strategy. If you'd like to get away from clearasil acne control and the high price tag that comes along with paying for expensive acne medications, check out the natural 3 Day Acne treatment at

I think you'll be very happy with the result.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Review Arbonne for Acne

I know I'm going to catch a lot of backtalk for today's post but my goal with this blog is to be as honest with you as possible, so here I go. I wanted to review arbonne for acne because this product has been getting a LOT of hype lately.

When I decided to review arbonne for acne, my expectations were perhaps unreasonably high. See, ever since I started implementing the 3 Day Acne Cure on, I haven't had any breakouts, so I pretty much had to forgo the 3 day regimen to have a breakout and properly review Arbonne for acne.

Geesh... the things I do for my readers!

Well, as you know by now, my skin is naturally prone to acne, so about two weeks after I went of the 3 Day Acne Cure regimen, I had my first breakout. It was nothing major, just a small cluster of zits on my chin.

I bought Arbonne online and had it delivered to my door. Let me just say, this stuff isn't cheap. Review the Arbonne for acne price tag first. I was not happy with the cost of this product that had yet to prove itself.

My experience during this review Arbonne for acne, was similar to my experience using prescription Differin. With differin, you get a slight acne flare up when you start using the topical, then the acne dries up and doesn't come back.

Unfortunately, this review arbonne for acne process, didn't have the same end result. Yes, I got the initial acne flareup, but then the acne would kind of go away and come back again. The Arbonne obviously had an irritating effect on my sensative skin.

The smell is harsh and noticeable. I would consider this a nightly treatment only because of the smell. I did however use it on my body acne and noticed a BIG difference.

So, to its when I did my review arbonne for acne, I was happy with its effect on back and shoulder acne.

To conclude this review, arbonne for acne may be a good choice for some when it comes to body acne. I realize everyone has different body chemistry so, in terms of acne on you face, you may have better results than I did.

For me, if I had to stick with a prescription, it would be Differin.

I'd like to hear you review arbonne for acne. If you've used it, what did you think? Were you apprehensive about the price tag? What were your concerns?

As always, is there for you if you'd like to start out with natural treatments as opposed to jumping right on the Arbonne bandwagon. Cheers!

Rank Acne Medications

We all have VERY different skin due to our body's natural pH balance. For this reason, acne medications are effective to varying degrees on different people.

I created this post mainly to get feedback from my readers. I'm interested in what YOU have to say. How do you rank acne medications according to your skin type?

I've tried to rank acne medications before, but being that I suffered greatly with systemic candida induced acned, most medications didn't work for me.

It was hard to rank acne medications when widely successful products like proactiv, clean & clear and the like just wouldn't solve my recurring pimples. This actually is what led me to create my natural acne control site.

However, I'm not so foolish to think that my skin's condition and sensitivity will dictate everyon elses. That's why I want to hear from you. Rank acne medications that have worked wonders for your skin. I'll show you and example.

My rank acne medications list would be:
(1 being the most effective. 10 being least effective)

1. Aveno Face scrub (for exfoliating)
2. Aveno Moisterizer
3. Clean & Clear benzoyl peroxide (to dry and clean popped pimples)
4. Drinking lots of water and dieting correctly (yes not a medication, but still effective.)
5. Proactive spot treatment
6. Clearasil spot treatment
7. Neutragena Body Wash for body acne
8. Antibacterial Soap for body acne
9. Applying rubbing alcohol directly on popped pimples (to dry and clean them)
10.Dove moisterizing soap (used directly on my face)

Maybe you'll disagree with my rank acne medications list above. I only listed medications that I actually use in my regimen. And really, clearasil and proactive rarely find their way onto my face, but I listed everything here that's in my artillery.

However, I didn't mention the natural acne solutions I used everyday. With the natural strategies I teach on, I've found no need to use at least 75%of the medications on my list above.

I can't wait to hear you rank acne medications that have been effective for you! Post comments and let me know what acne medications rank highest. Again, only use the medications that are in your daily, weekly or monthly regimen. Cheers!

Skin Rashes with Raised Pustules

A common complaint among many acne sufferers is skin rashes with raised pustules. When you have a breakout like this, it can be devastating to your complexion. The real struggle becomes treating skin rashes with raised pustules, because you don't want to further irritate the already sensative skin.

There are three main culprits that cause skin rashes with raised pustules.
- Diet
- Overdrying skin with medicines and washing
- Systemic Candida Infections

Really, diet and systemic candida infections are linked in causing skin rashes with raised pustules, but I've listed them separately because you need to get a good understanding of both.

A diet with excess sugars will feed the candida fungus in your body. Everyone has candida in their digestive tract. If the candida grows out of control, due to you "feeding" it with a poor diet, you'll develop a systemic yeast infection.

The candida can spread to the skin and is one of the most common causes of skin rashes with raised pustules.

Your overdry skin is a result of either washing way too much or using too many harsh acne medications on your face. You should be medicating no more than twice a day MAX. Really i recommend only medicating once a day, but if acne is really bad - once in the morning and once at night.

Overwashing and overmedicating a a major contributor to skin rashes with raised pustules.

Another cause could be hormonal and related to menstruation, pregnancy or birth control pills. If you think this is the case, be sure to speak with your gynecologist about your skin rashes with raised pustules.

If you're experiencing skin rashes with raised pustules, you'll want to restrict your diet immediately for at least 7 days. Follow the guidelines below to start the healing of skin rashes with raised pustules from the inside out.

- Avoid sugars for a week
- Drink tons of water (at least 9-10 glasses a day)
- Do NOT medicate your skin with acne topicals unless, you're putting just a tiny dab on the top of each pustule.
- Wash your face only once a day for a week. Normally you should wash no more than two times a day.
- Eat lots of leafy greens
- Add extra fiber into your diet for the week
- Use a gentle moisterizer on the dry rashy skin right after you shower I personally use Aveno.

I provide a step-by-step regimen called the 3 Day Acne cure that is specifically designed to cure skin rashes with raised pustules permanently. You can find this regimen on

The Cause of Acne Pustules

Acne Pustules are known as your garden variety zit. They contain white bloodcells which give their heads the with puss appearance.

yeah i know...gross.

Well it's all well and good to recognize acne pustules but that won't really help us prevent them at all. In order to get to the root or clearing up acne pustules, we've got to understand the cause of acne pustules.

The cause of acne pustles can be explained in scientific terms (what's actually happening to the pore) as well as habitual terms (what habits are the cause of acne pustules).

Let's look at the more scientific cause of acne pustules first. Pustules for when sebaceous glands produce excess sebum (oil) and the oil mixes with hair follicles and dead skin in the pores to form a clog.

Bacteria loves your skins oil. Actually sebum (oil) is a breeding ground for bacteria. What happens is, you have all this "garbage" (dead skin, hair, oil & bacteria) in your pore and as they sit there, they block oxygen from flowing through the skin. This is another cause of acne pustules.

The bacteria creates a minor infection in the clog. The clog is the root cause of acne pustules.

When a clog happens, the walls of the pore are stretched. Think of a clogged pipe. The water behind a clogged pipe puts pressure on the walls of a pipe and damage the walls of the pipe.

The same thing happens inside your clogged pore. When the walls of the pore are strained and thinned from stretching, they ultimately rupture.

Once the rupture occurs, white blood cells rush to the repair the cell walls of the skin. As the white bloodcells fight off the tiny infection in the pore, they die off and rise the the pores surface (this is the puss you see on a pustule).

So this is what's happening inside of your pore that is the resulting cause of acne pustules. Now you may not see how knowing this cause of acne pustules will help you prevent them but think about this...

Your habits will have an impact on each cause of acne pustules.

You know that excess oil and dead skin are part of the cause of acne pustules. So wouldn't lessening each of these result in less pimples?

One habitual cause of acne pustules is not exfoliating the face with a gentle scrub in the shower. You can start correcting this as soon as your next shower. I prefer using an Aveno exfoliating facewash. It's gentle yet effective.

If my face gets too oily, I used benzoyl peroxide to kill the bacteria that breeds inside of the oil. This is a preventative measure to the bacteria cause of acne pustules.

Topical antibiotics like duac can also combat this cause of acne pustules. Duac generally needs to be prescribed by your Dermatologist, but it works quite well.

Also, don't overwash. Overwashing is another habit that contributes to the cause of acne pustules. Overwashing will irritate your face and bring unwanted results.

Diet can also be a cause of acne pustules.

The fact is, you don't have to fall victim to the cause of acne pustules once you know the exact regimen to prevent them. Wouldn't you like to have clear skin within the next 3 days that continues to be clear for the rest of your life?

You can learn how to make this a reality by visiting or just CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Treatments for Acne Scars Marks

Looking for treatments for acne scars marks?I know how you're feeling right now. Really, when I had terrible acne scars, I felt like there was no hope either. You spend each night before bed, looking in the mirror and just analyzing your face, wishing those acne scars marks would dissapear.

The good news is there is a solution and there definitely are treatments for acne scars marks that work. You just need to apply the remedies correctly in order to see results. Here, i'll be revealing my favorite treatments for acne scars marks.

Let's get right to it!

Go into your kitchen and cut up a lemon into slices. Gently rub the lemon juice on your acne scars marks for about 5 minutes. Do this once a day everyday for two weeks. By the end of the second week, you'll notice that the skin discoloration has faded considerable. This is one of those treatments for acne scars marks right under your nose. The acidity in the lemon will lighten the scarred skin tissue as well as balance your skin's hormones. This treatment also prevents future breakouts to boot!

Tea Tree Oil
You can buy this stuff at most health food and drug stores. Gently, with a cotton swab, apply the tea tree oil to your skin. Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal. This solution works great especially if you suffer from candida induced acne. The oil will soften scar tissue and fade it into your natural complexion. You'll notice less redness within weeks.

This is one of the stickier treatments for acne scars marks, but its results are nonetheless fantastic. Honey is a natural moisterizer. Use it to soften your skin. I like to mix this treatment with oatmeal (also a natural skin softener). Hey, if you don't like applying the honey/oatmeal mix to your acne scars, you can always eat it - yum.

If you're looking to go the medicinal route, go with the most trusted medicine on the market - Mederma. Mederma has been proven to be the most powerful treatments for acne scars marks available over the counter. You can pick up Mederma right now by CLICKING HERE.

In the meantime, know that the only way to stop needing treatments for acne scars marks is to stop getting acne altogether. End your cycle of breakouts today by visiting and make acne history.

Pimples Due to Yeast Infection

After years of struggling with acne, i became very jaded with topical treatments. Nothing seemed to work for me. I was using every over the counter medicine you can imagine and none of them could put a long term dent in my pimple problems.

I mean, sure oxy or clearasil would dry up my face for a week and clear my complexion a little bit. But after some time went by, my pimples would just spring right back up on my face even worse before. It was as if they were angry that I had tried to defy them with acne treatments. Now they were back with a vengeance and guess what? - they brought friends with them!

It turned out, I was experiencing pimples due to yeast infection. No, I'm not talking about a localized yeast infection like a vaginal yeast infection or a penile yeast infection. These pimples due to yeast infection were popping up on my face thanks to an outbreak of the "Candida Fungus" inside my body.

See, we all have candida fungus living inside out bodies. It just basically a microorganism that lives generally in our digestive tract. The candida fungus is regulated by another microorganism in our body called Acidophilus. Acidophilus is a positive bacteria that fights off the "bad" bacteria and prevents infection.

Acidophilus also keeps the Candida fungus in check and stops it from multiplying. When a lot of acidophilus bacteria gets killed off due to taking an antibiotic or when the candida fungus grows out of control due to eating lots of sugars and yeast, a yeast infection can break out. Here's where pimples due to yeast infection kicks in.

Sometimes a yeast infection can be a localized infection like the one mentioned about. Othertimes it can become a systemic infection where the candida fungus travels through the bloodstream and causes a whole host of symptoms. Candida yeast is blood soluble, so it can travel throughout the skin.

It will often migrate to the face where it can thrive in your skin's sebum (oil).

Cand you guess the major symptoms of systemic yeast infections?

You got it - Acne! So this is an example of pimples due to yeast infection and believe it or not, most people at some point in their lives suffer from it.

A systemic yeast infection like this is very hard to diagnose, so oftentimes the sufferer (like myself) will go through life not knowing the root cause of their pimples due to yeast infection.

If you'd like to know exactly how to cure your pimples due to yeast infection, you can view the step-by-step regimen to end acne by CLICKING HERE.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Garlic for Acne Scars

It's true! Garlic for acne scars is one of the oldest acne scar remedies around. Garlic for acne scars is also incredibly easy to apply to your skin. We're not talking about using messy creams, oatmeal masks or anything like that.

How does garlic for acne scars work?

Garlic contains sulphur which is by nature, a topical antibiotic. As you apply garlic directly to your skin and gently rub the garlic around, the sulphur will kill bacteria that would normally clog your pores and create the dreaded acne. It also heals the dead underlying skin that creates the scarred appearance.

The acidity your skin encouters when you use garlic for acne scars will also lighten the reddened skin. It takes about 2 weeks to see the results in the mirror after using garlic for acne scars.

Now, the acidity in the garlic can be overwhelming for sensative skin. I mean, don't get me wrong. This natural remedy totally works - but if you do experience burning, try applying a gentler treatment than garlic for acne scars. There are so many to choose from so don't feel limited if garlic doesn't work out for.

Don't let that scare you away though. Garlic for acne scars really works well if applied consistently.
I understand if you're a little bit skeptical about using garlic for acne scars. It's one of the more non-conservative remedies. However, I assure you, this natural scar treatment has been tested over and over again through the years.

Yours truly has applied this on more than one occasion for a few nasty scars. Of course that's not to say using garlic for acne scars was my only strategy. I used loads of natural treatments for natural acne scars. Actually, you can see all of the ones I used through a link at the bottom of this blog post.

An even easier way to apply garlic for acne scars it to crush it up and mix it with warm water. Take a cotten swab or cottonball and dab it into the crushed up garlic. You can then apply the teeny pieces of garlic almost like a paste to the skin. Leave it on your acne scars for about 5 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Garlic for acne scars is also effective just by additional consumption of this food. Eating garlic opens up the blood vessels in your skin allowing for increased oxygen to heal scars from the inside out. Also, your overall complexion will be noticeably improved in about a month's time. Just make sure you have plenty of tic tacs on you for that garlic breath.

If you're interested in more natural acne scar solutions, you can learn about them by CLICKING HERE.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Is Steam Good For Acne?

So many people have asked me over the years "Is steam good for acne?". It's gotten to the point that i giggle a little every time I'm asked the question just because it's so common.

Actually, I get a lot of acne questions, you can see them all by CLICKING HERE.

Anyway... on to finding out is steam good for acne.

The thinking people have when they ask is steam good for acne comes from the fact that steam opens up their pores, leaving them vulnerable to new bacteria and foreign particles that can create new clogs.

This thinking is just completely wrong. Is steam good for acne? Yes - and it's actually an important part of most people's acne fighting regimen.

Now there are many treatments that is steam good for acne
- You can sit in a sauna with a hot towel over your head (stops the steam from escaping).
- You can boil water in a cooking pot and use the towel strategy mentioned above.
- You can run a hot bath and just sit in it.
- You can even just apply a hot towel to your face to open up your pores.

You should gently clean your face before the steam treatment. Get all the makeup and oil gently off your face by just splashing it with cold water and patting it with a dry towel.

This way when you start your steam treatment, wheither it's in a bathtub, over a cooking pot, in the shower or in a sauna, you'll have a no irritating dirt to clog your open pores. Doing this the right way is steam good for acne.

Really, that's the thinking behind is steam good for acne. Your pores open up and become oxygenated. As you know, oxygen is bacteria's worst nightmare. It neutralizes irritated skin by opening bloodflow and allowing oxygen to clear our the oil and the dead skin in your pores.

After, all you'll be thinking is steam good for acne is also good for relaxtion. You'll feel soothed by these treatments. I know I do. Guess that's why saunas are so popular.

After you're done, you can wash your face to really clear out the dirt and dead follicles. Your pores will be wide open, so washing your face will be very effective.

To Learn the true face wash system for clean and clear skin, CLICK HERE.

Toothpaste Zits - A Risky Spot Treatment

Where there is risk, there is reward. For me, I've always had trouble getting over that whole RISK thing.

However, sometimes you just gotta take chances when it comes to finding your working acne treatment. The "Toothpaste Zits" treatment is one of those risky opportunities.

The toothpaste zits spot treatment is a popularly known treatment where you dab a little toothpaste (use the paste, not the gel on your zits to dry them up and get on with your day.

It works great for some and others...well, it can really ruin your complexion for the day if you toothpaste zits the wrong way.

So, I when my acne was bad I would totally use the toothpaste zits treatment and it TOTALLY worked. However, I've had friends who tried to toothpaste zits and they wound up with swollen, burning red pimples.

So I guess the toothepaste zits spot treatment is really all about the luck of the draw. Of course your technique helps too. I mean, if you know how to do the toothpaste zit treatment the RIGHT way, you're more than likely to find a spot treatment you can use for those "pimple emergencies".

If the toothpaste zits treatement does work for you, you already know that it can clear up a zit in about an hour. That's the reward for this risky treatment.

Some other benefits of using the toothpaste zits treatment:
- Having a Spot treatment when your at a friends house or away from your medicine cabinet
- Showing all your friends that you're an acne fighting "MacGyver"
- It's time saving and you can do it during your morning routine if you wake up to newzits.
- It works fast when applied correctly.
- When you toothpaste zits the right way, your acne won't scar at all.

If you want to learn how to used the toothpaste zits treatment the RIGHT way and step-by-step, simply CLICK HERE and add this toothpaste zits spot treatment to your acne fighting artillary.

Otherwise, for more tips and tricks to controlling your acne, check out!
