Friday, August 8, 2008

Toothpaste Zits - A Risky Spot Treatment

Where there is risk, there is reward. For me, I've always had trouble getting over that whole RISK thing.

However, sometimes you just gotta take chances when it comes to finding your working acne treatment. The "Toothpaste Zits" treatment is one of those risky opportunities.

The toothpaste zits spot treatment is a popularly known treatment where you dab a little toothpaste (use the paste, not the gel on your zits to dry them up and get on with your day.

It works great for some and others...well, it can really ruin your complexion for the day if you toothpaste zits the wrong way.

So, I when my acne was bad I would totally use the toothpaste zits treatment and it TOTALLY worked. However, I've had friends who tried to toothpaste zits and they wound up with swollen, burning red pimples.

So I guess the toothepaste zits spot treatment is really all about the luck of the draw. Of course your technique helps too. I mean, if you know how to do the toothpaste zit treatment the RIGHT way, you're more than likely to find a spot treatment you can use for those "pimple emergencies".

If the toothpaste zits treatement does work for you, you already know that it can clear up a zit in about an hour. That's the reward for this risky treatment.

Some other benefits of using the toothpaste zits treatment:
- Having a Spot treatment when your at a friends house or away from your medicine cabinet
- Showing all your friends that you're an acne fighting "MacGyver"
- It's time saving and you can do it during your morning routine if you wake up to newzits.
- It works fast when applied correctly.
- When you toothpaste zits the right way, your acne won't scar at all.

If you want to learn how to used the toothpaste zits treatment the RIGHT way and step-by-step, simply CLICK HERE and add this toothpaste zits spot treatment to your acne fighting artillary.

Otherwise, for more tips and tricks to controlling your acne, check out!

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