Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Cause of Acne Pustules

Acne Pustules are known as your garden variety zit. They contain white bloodcells which give their heads the with puss appearance.

yeah i know...gross.

Well it's all well and good to recognize acne pustules but that won't really help us prevent them at all. In order to get to the root or clearing up acne pustules, we've got to understand the cause of acne pustules.

The cause of acne pustles can be explained in scientific terms (what's actually happening to the pore) as well as habitual terms (what habits are the cause of acne pustules).

Let's look at the more scientific cause of acne pustules first. Pustules for when sebaceous glands produce excess sebum (oil) and the oil mixes with hair follicles and dead skin in the pores to form a clog.

Bacteria loves your skins oil. Actually sebum (oil) is a breeding ground for bacteria. What happens is, you have all this "garbage" (dead skin, hair, oil & bacteria) in your pore and as they sit there, they block oxygen from flowing through the skin. This is another cause of acne pustules.

The bacteria creates a minor infection in the clog. The clog is the root cause of acne pustules.

When a clog happens, the walls of the pore are stretched. Think of a clogged pipe. The water behind a clogged pipe puts pressure on the walls of a pipe and damage the walls of the pipe.

The same thing happens inside your clogged pore. When the walls of the pore are strained and thinned from stretching, they ultimately rupture.

Once the rupture occurs, white blood cells rush to the repair the cell walls of the skin. As the white bloodcells fight off the tiny infection in the pore, they die off and rise the the pores surface (this is the puss you see on a pustule).

So this is what's happening inside of your pore that is the resulting cause of acne pustules. Now you may not see how knowing this cause of acne pustules will help you prevent them but think about this...

Your habits will have an impact on each cause of acne pustules.

You know that excess oil and dead skin are part of the cause of acne pustules. So wouldn't lessening each of these result in less pimples?

One habitual cause of acne pustules is not exfoliating the face with a gentle scrub in the shower. You can start correcting this as soon as your next shower. I prefer using an Aveno exfoliating facewash. It's gentle yet effective.

If my face gets too oily, I used benzoyl peroxide to kill the bacteria that breeds inside of the oil. This is a preventative measure to the bacteria cause of acne pustules.

Topical antibiotics like duac can also combat this cause of acne pustules. Duac generally needs to be prescribed by your Dermatologist, but it works quite well.

Also, don't overwash. Overwashing is another habit that contributes to the cause of acne pustules. Overwashing will irritate your face and bring unwanted results.

Diet can also be a cause of acne pustules.

The fact is, you don't have to fall victim to the cause of acne pustules once you know the exact regimen to prevent them. Wouldn't you like to have clear skin within the next 3 days that continues to be clear for the rest of your life?

You can learn how to make this a reality by visiting or just CLICK HERE.

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