Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rank Acne Medications

We all have VERY different skin due to our body's natural pH balance. For this reason, acne medications are effective to varying degrees on different people.

I created this post mainly to get feedback from my readers. I'm interested in what YOU have to say. How do you rank acne medications according to your skin type?

I've tried to rank acne medications before, but being that I suffered greatly with systemic candida induced acned, most medications didn't work for me.

It was hard to rank acne medications when widely successful products like proactiv, clean & clear and the like just wouldn't solve my recurring pimples. This actually is what led me to create my natural acne control site.

However, I'm not so foolish to think that my skin's condition and sensitivity will dictate everyon elses. That's why I want to hear from you. Rank acne medications that have worked wonders for your skin. I'll show you and example.

My rank acne medications list would be:
(1 being the most effective. 10 being least effective)

1. Aveno Face scrub (for exfoliating)
2. Aveno Moisterizer
3. Clean & Clear benzoyl peroxide (to dry and clean popped pimples)
4. Drinking lots of water and dieting correctly (yes not a medication, but still effective.)
5. Proactive spot treatment
6. Clearasil spot treatment
7. Neutragena Body Wash for body acne
8. Antibacterial Soap for body acne
9. Applying rubbing alcohol directly on popped pimples (to dry and clean them)
10.Dove moisterizing soap (used directly on my face)

Maybe you'll disagree with my rank acne medications list above. I only listed medications that I actually use in my regimen. And really, clearasil and proactive rarely find their way onto my face, but I listed everything here that's in my artillery.

However, I didn't mention the natural acne solutions I used everyday. With the natural strategies I teach on, I've found no need to use at least 75%of the medications on my list above.

I can't wait to hear you rank acne medications that have been effective for you! Post comments and let me know what acne medications rank highest. Again, only use the medications that are in your daily, weekly or monthly regimen. Cheers!

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